There are various reasons for psychological assessments to take place. To put it simply, psychological assessments are objective measurements of psychological traits in an individual. Psychological traits could be of cognitive, emotional, behavioral, personality nature. The result of psychological assessments provides additional help in a “decision-making” process. Different forms of psychological assessment would serve different purposes.

In a psychoeducational assessment, the individual’s intellectual level and current academic status are measured. Generally, the purpose is to test and determine the presence of a learning disability. If a learning disability is present, normally, the recommendations are provided based on the assessment results. These recommendations could help direct accommodations that would be beneficial for the individual. In this category, “gifted Assessments” are standard intelligence tests that are completed to provide a quantitative measure of the child’s level of analytical inelegance. Such assessments could serve as a screener for potential causes of academic problems and also potentially qualify the individual for advanced placement in an academic setting. 

 In Neuropsychological assessment, the purpose of assessment is to find the explanation for the presence of a specific behavior. In these types of assessments,  multiple domains of functioning are assessed. Individualized recommendations are offered based on the individual’s unique cognitive profile. Assessing for the level of cognitive and memory functioning or assessing for the presence of dementia and Alzheimer’s disease or brain injury are all examples of the use of neuropsychological assessments. 

There are times where the purpose of an assessment is to rule out a diagnosis (when differential diagnosis exists) or to determine the specific diagnosis in a given situation. Examples in this category include evaluations conducted to assess for the presence of Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorders (ADD/ADHD), Autism Spectrum, Processing Disorders, Learning Disabilities, Depression, Personality Disorders, Anxiety, and Behavioral Problems

Throughout my career, We have enjoyed gaining experience in conducting Diagnostic Testing and Treatment clarity for Children, Adolescents, and Adults within different settings. We also have experience providing consultation in interpreting the raw data, as well as providing written reports based on the raw data provided. 

Feel free to reach out if you are interested in an assessment. We would be happy to assist you if possible and appropriate. However, if there is a need for referral, we would be happy to provide you with other potential clinicians who provide assessment services.