There are times in our lives that we feel unsettled, frustrated, anxious, overwhelmed, and out-balanced. Things seem to slow down or speed up. Whatever it is or however it is, we seem to be out of tune; we seem to be stuck. The issue could be within us, how we think, our feelings, or it could be related to our world around us. Whatever it is, it is impacting you, your relationship, your work, or your wellbeing.

There are times in your lives that you feel unsettled, frustrated, anxious, overwhelmed, and out-balanced. Things seem to slow down or speed up; whatever it is or however it is, you seem to be out of tune; you seem to be stuck. The issue could be within “you,” how you think, your feelings, or it could be related to your world outside and around you. Whatever it is,  it is impacting you, your relationship, your work, or your wellbeing. It seems Life and going through life seems to be a daily struggle. You might wish to know what to do, have an expert opinion, some sort of map, or a blueprint that leads  “the stuck- you ” to “Free, moving forward – you”

Individual therapy can help you…

In individual therapy, I can provide you with a “safe and judgment-free place” to unwind and work through what has gotten you “unbalanced.” The experience is going to be a collaborative experience with  “you”  having the “control” to discover your options to inner peace.

At times we start with an individual session, but then once we identify the need,  you and I might collaboratively decide that you want to include another person in the session for a while. In this case, the most important thing to remember is that “you” as the client are the main focus of your treatment, and if we have decided to include others, it is only to help “you” achieve “your goals” in treatment. Individual therapy provides you be the “focus of treatment,” which provides you with the opportunity to help improve your life.

I have always enjoyed working with the following population:

  • Adolescents
  • Adults
  • Seniors

I have training and experience in working with a wide variety of issues; however, I have enjoyed working with issues such as:

  • Anxiety
  • Depression
  • Trauma-related issues ( childhood trauma, complicated and uncomplicated trauma)
  • Self- esteem and self-image
  • Individual identity ( gender- cultural)
  • Work-related issues ( conflict at work, pressure at work, feeling inadequate at work, struggle to communicate at work, with peers or colleague)
  • Personal relationship issues ( having a hard time relating to others, struggling with healthy communication, healthy boundaries, “getting hurt in relationships and not knowing why.”

You have been brave enough to take the first step towards healing, which has landed you on this website and this page, and  I commend you for that,… I would like to help you in your journey to healing. Get in touch with me, let me know how I can help you achieve your goal…