We offer psychotherapeutic services in different specialties. As Our clinicians get to know their clients, their needs, hope, and goals, They can tailor their treatment approach to help the clients in their journey

If you’re feeling overwhelmed, frustrated, out of balance, hopeless, anxious, or if you are seeking a safe space to process whatever that is you are going through, your past, your sexual/ cultural identity, unresolved emotions/ traumas, or if you are navigating the path to discover your options to inner peace, we can help you.

Misunderstandings, miscommunications, loose boundaries, personal/ age / cultural differences can all lead to conflicts, struggles, and ultimately “hurt” within relationships. If your relationship is not what it used to be, if you feel unheard, unsupported, and alone, or if you ask yourself what have I done wrong, or why?, If you need answers, We can help you

There are various reasons for psychological assessment to take place. I offer assessment/ testing services for various types of assessments such as; psychoeducational assessments, cognitive assessments, and neuropsychological assessments. Feel free to contact me to see how We can help you.

To put it simply, EMDR ( Eye Movement Desensitization Reprocessing) is a therapeutic approach that is believed to enable people to heal from the symptoms and emotional distress resulting from disturbing life experiences. If you believe EMDR would be appropriate for you, We would like to hear from you and see how We can help you.

If you are MFTi/MFTA or a Psych assistant looking for a supervisor to complete your SPE ( Supervised Professional Experience) hours, Dr Rasooli can help supervise you in accruing your hours towards your licensure. Contact us to see how Dr Rasooli can help you fulfill this part of your requirement towards your goal of being licensed

In response to the current situation with COVID 19, and also to provide an alternative option to the traditional in-person therapy, we offer “telehealth” or virtual therapy. If you are interested, and If we have availability, then we can help you.